The Keoppel Spot

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Tale of Two Shows...

So Tuesday nights are my favorite TV nights. Lost and Glee are both on at the same time and I am ever so grateful for DVR.

Dan and I have been HUGE Lost fans ever since the pilot and have never missed an episode. Oh how I love Sawyer and Jack! It is such a crazy show that loves to answer a question with another question. For as much as I have enjoyed the show I think that I have had more joy just cuddling with Dan and trying to piece the puzzle together with the rest of the Keoppel clan. I am ready to have the questions answered (if they answer them!) but does it really need to end???

I find some comfort in the fact that another show has come along and made me grin, that's right I am LOVING Glee! The singing, dancing, comedy, drama and Will Schuester are awesome! I am of the personal opinion that they created the show especially for me. Even though this show is so awesome there is one downfall, Dan hates it. There is no cuddle time or even staying in the same room time. It is just me all alone watching (but loving it!)

I guess to end this tale of two shows I would say that Lost you will be dearly missed and Glee I hope you are around for a long time but no matter what nothing can ever replace FRIENDS!!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I love Glee too! It's one of my favorite shows!